Poem 詩人

白昼夢が反転した夜 月にサーカスが見える On a night when my daydreams are reversed, I see a circus on the moon.


With undying love, his voice is in slow motion


Let’s say common words
It’s never too late to start

親に捨てられたあの子が 滑り台を滑っていく 

That child who was left behind by his parents is sliding down the slide.

伸びきった袖を犬に噛まれながら、許せない!何て言うんだ You say I can't "forgive" him as the dog bites your long sleeves.

葉っぱの雫が飲み水で俺たちは若くして死んでいく The drops on the leaves are our drinking water, and we die young.

細胞はゼリー状の”嘘”ってやつに浸ってるんだよ Cells are soaked in a jelly-like “lie”.

青空に同じ方向を見ているから 遠くを見てる君がいいこと It’s good that you’re looking far away because we’re looking in the same direction against the blue sky

仏の手のひらでブギーを踊って dancing boogie on the palm of buddha

全て錯覚だ 君の道のための錯覚だ It’s all an illusion, an illusion for your path

君の肩が小さく見えた時 白い頭になびく壮麗 When your shoulders look small Majestic

on a white head

プラスチックの燃える匂い 夏の川の渡り石 The smell of burning plastic, the crossing

stones of a summer river

サボテン畑でラッパ飲み Drink a lot in a cactus field

大したことじゃねえ 世界が苦しんでるほどのものはねえ It’s not a big deal, it’s not worth the suffering the world is suffering from.

人気の街に複数の目 散々なる思考 Multiple eyes in a popular town, scattered thoughts

全ては美しくて全てはクソのようだ Everything is beautiful and everything like shit

今は未来で 過去なんだ ねえ 親方 It’s the future and it’s the past Hey, boss

一生なんて言葉 簡単に使うもんじゃない “Lifetime” is not a word you can use lightly

それがいいと思えばそれはきっといいことなのだ If you think it’s good, then it’s good

君は笑っているけど 銃痕は残ったまま You’re laughing but the bullet holes are still there

どうせ自分なんかって言いながらマスターベーションするんだ “What’s the point of me?” he says as he masturbates.

ものすごい反骨心のような 得体の知れない感覚 Something mysterious, like a tremendous rebellious spirit

生ぬるい破壊は自分を殺す A half-hearted method of destruction will kill you

行き場所もない魂の亡霊 Ghosts of souls with nowhere to go

欲望から抜ければ、価値なんてないんだよ Without desire there is no value

全力で破壊すべきなのだ It must be destroyed with all its might.

セロトニンがいいと聞けばベランダに出てイスに座りながら”こんなはずじゃなかった”って背骨が曲がるんだ When I hear that serotonin is good, I go out to the balcony and my spine bends, thinking that this wasn’t supposed to happen

シシュポスの岩を砕くとシロップの雨が降り注ぐ Breaking Sisyphus' rock makes it rain syrup

二度と振り返るかと自分の位置を把握し現状維持を保つんだ Never look back again, know what’s in front of you and maintain the status quo

14回目の春にギターを始め19回目の夏に全て崩壊した I started playing guitar in my 14th spring and by my 19th summer it all fell apart

いい人のふりをするだけ あとは崩れていくだけ Just pretend to be a good person, and

then Just it’ll fall apart

弾丸は疲弊したあなたの肉を貫き 魂を打ち抜くでしょう The bullet will pierce your exhausted flesh and shoot right into your heart.

あの娘の横顔を見ている証明など必要とせずあの娘の横顔を見ている それが初恋だったと僕は気づくまい I don’t need any proof that I’m looking at that girl’s face in profile I’  looking at that girl’s face in profile I won’t realize that it was my first love 

それは非常に高かった 眩しい朝日が綺麗に昇るただ遠くから見ている分には 近くまで登ると草木が枯れ果てた 寂しい風が吹くただの丘だった It was very high, and the dazzling morning sun rose beautifully. However, when I looked at it from afar, the grass and trees had withered and when I got closer, it was just a hill with a lonely wind blowing.

産まれて死ぬまでが俺の1日。常に余命1日 My day is from birth to death. I always have one day left to live.

頸動脈の主旋律 Main melody of Carotid

今この瞬間が人生で一番若いんだぜベイビーRight now, I'm the youngest I've ever been, baby

桃色の夕焼けが僕の空虚さを悟っているようだった それでも僕は2本足で立たなければいけない The pink sunset seemed to understand my emptiness But still, I have to stand on my own two feet

夏は50m先の海の岩場に ズタズタに切られるんだ I was cut to shreds by a rocky shore in the sea 50 meters away

秋の夜長に詩を読むのもいいでしょうと冷たいばかりの夜ではないと志とて It would be nice to read poetry on a long autumn night.

どんな善人でも 何年も腹が減ってりゃ病人の飯を奪い取るんだ。そんなもんだよ 人間は 建前が崩れ落ちて クソ野郎丸出しだ No matter how good a person is, if they've been hungry for years, they'll steal food from a sick person. That's just how it is. People's pretenses crumble and they're just plain bastards.

ジミーが亡くなった夜 彼はとても清々しい顔で寝ていた ジミー また 天国でふざけようぜジミー The night Jimmy passed away, he was sleeping with a fresh face. Jimmy, let’s mess around in heaven again. Jimmy.

浅い眠りの中あっち行ったりこっち行ったりと現実と同じ風景でした暦上もうすぐ秋です In my light sleep, I was going here and there, and the scenery was just like reality. According to the calendar, autumn is almost here.

残りカスを何回繰り返したとて変わらないものは変わらないでしょう所詮は欲求の塊なのです No matter how many times we repeat the process of discarding the leftovers, what remains the same will remain the same. In the end, it is just a mass of desire.

帰るあなたの後ろ姿の頭上を見てました頭上を見てました月はなぜかあなたにだけ厳しく見えました I was looking up at your back as you were leaving. For some reason, the moon only looked harsh on you.

形を変えて使いやすく あなたのものにしてしまえばいいのです Just change the shape to make it easier to use and make it yours.

千の星が降り注ぐ天使は笑顔で羽毛を1枚置いてったサッカーゴールの前に丞 A thousand stars fall on the sky An angel smiles and leaves a feather in front of the soccer goal

眠たげに霧に包まれた朝陽に君の優しさを見ましたそれはきっと疑いようもない僕の審美眼だ 嘘くさいこと そう 嘘くさいことばかりだ でもなぜか信じる自信が僕にはあったのです I saw your kindness in the morning sun drowsily shrouded in mist. It must be my unquestionable sense of beauty. It all sounds like a lie. Yes, it all sounds like a lie. But for some reason, I was confident that I could believe it.

優しさを履き違えてる彼女は僕の心を深くえぐるのです屁理屈に屁理屈を重ねてとても深く深くえぐるのです She misunderstands kindness and cuts my heart deep. She piles sophistry on sophistry and cuts it very deep.

小さなバッグを一つだけそれで僕は旅に出るのです振り返るつもりは 二度とありません 二度と With just one small bag, I set off on my journey, never looking back, never again.

本当に美しい人は汚らしい方でしたとても綺麗な方はとても綺麗にゴミを見るように私を見ました A truly beautiful person was a dirty person A very beautiful person looked at me very beautifully, like they were looking at garbage

一部は議論をしてどちらの正論が勝ったとかそういうことよりもその議論が形になるというものではないということです It's not so much a matter of which argument won or which side won, but rather that the argument will not take shape.

流れ星に願い事をしました いや 私にはまだ早すぎました 心を込めて祈る時間がなかったのです I wished upon a shooting star. No, it was too early for me. I didn't have time to put my heart into it.

部屋中のありったけのものを見ました ありったけのガラクタを見ました そこで生きるのに必要だったのは水だけだったのです I looked at everything in the room, I looked at all the junk, and the only thing I needed to survive was water.

ゴミを見るような目で見られゴミとして育ってきた僕は1999年の夏に終わりを迎えたのです僕の音楽が死んだ日 I was looked at like garbage and grew up like garbage. My life came to an end in the summer of 1999. That was the day my music died.

夏には毎年かぜに乗り冬には毎年埋もれとて 春と秋が僕に無の顔をして寄り添いました春夏秋冬 Every summer I ride the wind and every winter I get buried. Spring and autumn snuggle up to me with a blank look on their faces. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

あぁこれこそが 希望の闇だ Ah, that is the darkness of hope

いつもは優しい君なのに どうしたの悪口ばかり You’re always so kind, but what’s wrong with you, you keep saying bad things?

何で泣いてるの この世で最高の君なのに Why are you crying? You’re the best in this world.

君には僕がどう見えるかな?僕は弱虫かい? How do I look to you? Am I a wimp?

乱反射する夏の光やプールの塩素と彼女の香り The reflected summer light, the chlorine in the pool, and her scent

パラソル ビーチサンダル 碧い夏 残った日焼け止め Parasols, beach sandals, blue summer, remaining sunscreen

黒い空に浮かんでる 浮かんでは落ちてくる 月までは遠いいよ ねえ 彼女を連れてかないで 愛してる Floating in the black sky, floating and falling, it’s so far away to the moon, hey, don’t take her away, I love you

塔の頂点はまっすぐに 空を目指していた 夕焼けと話し合った結果 この時間を選んだのだろう 赤い曼珠沙華は希望を歌っている そろそろ出発のようだ The top of the tower was pointing straight towards the sky. After discussing with the sunset, they must have chosen this time. The red spider lilies began to sing of hope. It seems it’s time to depart.

子供の頃 確かに美しいと思っていたものを忘れてしまっている 忙しいから I’ve forgotten what I thought was beautiful when I was a child, because I’m so busy.

24時間が24分で流れていく 時間にとらわれたとしても 今を生きるために必要なのはただ1つ 心の奥底にあるものただ1つだけ 24 hours flow by in 24 minutes Even if you are caught up in time, To live in the present, There is only one thing you need, Only one thing deep in your heart

血まみれの叫び声と視線 表面は静かだとて 皆気づかないふりをしているよう 彼女は助けを求め 眠りにつくまで虚空に叫び続けるのです Bloody screams and stares. Though it was quiet on the surface, everyone pretended not to notice. She called out for help and continued to scream into nothingness until she fell asleep.

遮る何かがある とても心の奥で何かがあるようだ それは物心がつく前の僕 きっと疲弊し続けたんだろう There’s something blocking me, something deep inside my heart. It’s the me before I even knew what was going on. I must have been constantly exhausted.

君を構成するすべての旋律 カカシは君に向かって大きく手を振って生気を作り出している 僕は君を構成するすべての旋律 今日もここに立っているよ All the melodies that make up you The scarecrow waves his hands at you, creating energy I am protecting this place today for all the melodies that make up you

海辺を散歩する犬は服を着ている 飼い主は清らかなお姉さん リードで距離を測って海辺を歩いている ただただお日様が雲で滲む鵠沼で A dog walking on the beach is wearing clothes, its owner is a pretty young woman, and they are walking along the beach, measuring the distance with a lead. In Kugenuma, where the sun is simply blurred by the clouds.

僕は後輩にボソッと言ったんだ 僕たちが20年後に見る景色はこの景色だったんだなって 悪くはない しかし 良いとも思わない 何とも言えない むず痒さ 心は宙に浮いていた スケートを滑り終わった汗ばむコンビニで I muttered to my juniors, “This is the view we’ll see in 20 years’ time.” It’s not bad, but I don’t think it’s good either. I felt an indescribable itch, my heart was floating in the air. I was in a convenience store after skating, sweating.

雪の降る夜に月に破壊力を求めた 割って割って割りまくるギターは こん棒と化す 時計はお金をさしている 月が綺麗だ ああ太陽が地面とぶつかる前に On a snowy night, I sought the moon’s destructive power. The guitar breaks, breaks, breaks, turning into a club. The watch has money in it. The moon is beautiful. Ah, before the sun hits the ground.

記憶の中に答えはあった 思い出したんだ 見覚えのある風景 居心地のいい風景 揺らぐことなく佇んでいた ふきを傘にして 雨が止むのを待っている 僕とお兄ちゃん The answer was in my memory I remembered A familiar landscape, a comfortable landscape Standing there unwavering with a butterbur as an umbrella, my brother and I were waiting for the rain to stop

僕の輝く 防備 ほったらほったら歩く 長靴 雨の日も 水たまりが楽しくて 明日の雨と長靴を 待ちわびている 楽しみで そわそわしてる僕と長靴 My shining defenses, walking around in my rain boots, I enjoy the puddles even on rainy days, I look forward to tomorrow’s rain and my rain boots, I’m excited and fidgety

ドロドロになって眠りたい雨が嫌われるように I want to sleep in the muddy rain so that people will hate it

時間は僕に教えてくれる 君にももちろん教えてくれる 雪が積もる前にきっとわかるはず そして雨のように流れていくさ Time will tell me, and time will tell you too, Before the snow piles up, and it will flow away like rain

月がぶら下がっている白昼夢の僕が気づいた時には悲しい音と寂しい犬 月がぶら下がっている The moon is hanging, and when I wake up from my daydream, I hear sad sounds and a lonely dog. The moon is hanging.

8月と9月に挟まれたのが 夏なら 僕は何を思うだろう 秋冬春 少し彼らにも聞いてみよう そんな残暑の日に If it were summer between August and September, what would I think? Autumn, winter, spring. Let's ask them a bit about it on such a hot day.

片足を上げて 僕は靴に足を入れる 早朝の水中には虹が大きく手を振っていた時に I raised one foot and put my foot into my shoe. In the water in the early morning, a big rainbow was waving.

霊陽が見えない曇り空のした僕らは市営プールで泳いでいる 夏は祭り 鯉が石畳の道を泳いでいる 明日のことなど知ったものかと風が吹いている We are swimming in the municipal pool under the cloudy sky with no sign of the sun. Summer is a festival. Carp are swimming on the cobblestone road. The wind blows as if it doesn’t care about tomorrow.

千の魂が天使と手を繋いで 踊りながら雲外蒼天まで飛んでいく 審美眼は無くてもいいとて 生は変わる 月からピアノが聞こえる そしてまた君に会いに来る A thousand souls join hands with angels, and while dancing, fly to the blue sky beyond the clouds. It’s okay even if you don’t have a discerning eye, life changes. I can hear the piano from the moon, and I’ll come to see you again.

永遠に無の中を彷徨って二度と帰ってこない Wandering forever in nothingness, never to return

 数奇な生き方 草と縁石と分厚い扉に音を切る風 季節は年末で僕らは高く飛んでいる マーシャルアンプの前 A strange way of life, grass and curbstones and the wind cutting through the thick door, it's the end of the year and we're flying high in front of a Marshall amp

1年は気楽に生きろ 10年は大切に生きろ Live casually for one year, live carefully for ten years

奇跡 奇跡でしかないんだよ圧倒的にすべてが It's a miracle, everything is just a miracle

一人じゃ生きていけないけど 一人じゃないと生きていけない I can't live alone, but I can't live without being alone

basted peace of cake. symbol of 50 minu. barking dogs seldom bite, some words may to the wise is enough. children’s supplication for their broken retina. gravitation of the earth was needed for world center of sadness. fight with inner self rather than sharing abuse with someone. just like picked up in the garbage area music instrument into the orchestra sea. birth and mirage, 1 4 5 8, psychological symphony of destiny. donation, hypocrite or not, injection meaning that saved the life, who cares. solving philosophy with philosophy, scattered information was melted with zongora melody. push classic score against on the wall and pierce the neck by violin bow. main melody of the carotid artery. cram anxiety in the crossfader, turn the vinyl records. it’s also important to be for some courage to be disliked . you get for enjoys blues, no technique is important. while watching diagonally above to return by flashback. and ride on cicada chirps and climb to trees. under the midsummer sun. morning butter sliding on the toast. and mother. dried that shooting stars. crush the Sisyphos rock and it get rain downpour of syrup. than keep swallow deadly broken heart. what’s good. hey dude everything gonna be alright. et ou en etes-vous. listen to the sound of 29 bells. numbers are decided tomorrow. transaction nasty fingers. If 1000 people touch it. because 998people will may be hurt, so. guys won’t touch it. Is it correct. bloody louds and gaze. the surface is silent. pretend not to notice. underway.  those photo of nonexistent memories taken by artistic neurons was a smiling girl at the gymnasium of ‘98. there is no rewind of the second hand. pain is need but doesn’t need get many pain for comfortable alive. like children playing at ruins. grew up by the DRM. history of music corps for end. street graphic art and rubbed trace to blue bench. a sidewalk of desert. drunker hoop barriers. ignition to an impossible fuse and pasted to the dark moon light. that hear most beautiful grand piano melody played by Jack the Ripper at the back of the moon and it was pretty long way. but I can’t remember at all just like yesterday, cuz, still gain headway. stand up for today and kick away the tomorrows door
